Kenai Services and Bible Studies
We use Divine Service Setting 3 in the Lutheran Service Book ("LSB") that is published by Concordia Publishing Company. See our Contact page for location and contact information. For those unable to join us in person, you can join us via Webex Meeting. Visit our Webex Meeting page for more information.
Join Us on Sundays for our regular scheduled events:
Matins at 9:00 a.m.
Family Bible Study at 9:30 a.m.
Divine Service at 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday Vespers and Bible Study regular scheduled times:
Vespers at 6:00 p.m.
Family Bible study at 6:30 p.m.
Cancellations: If we have to cancel Sunday or Wednesday services or Bible studies due to weather, illness, etc., we will get it posted here on the website as soon as possible. Therefore, if you are in the local area and bad weather is predicted, you may want to check out this page before heading out. In no instance do we want anyone to take chances on getting out when we have a winter storm that causes bad road conditions.

Homer Services and Bible Studies
We have temporarily postponed our Sunday Divine Service and family Bible study in Homer. Once we resume our services and studies in Homer, we will update this page with the schedule.
The members of Saint Luke Lutheran Church wish to thank the members of St. Augustines’ Episcopal Church for their most gracious hospitality in allowing us to use their beautiful facility.

Fairbanks Services and Bible Studies
Unfortunately, we had to suspend our Fairbanks services and family Bible study several years ago due to scheduling conflicts. It is hopeful that we will be able to resume these services and Bible studies in the near future. If you are in Fairbanks and would be interested in attending services there, please contact us.