Do you want to listen to or read past sermons? To listen, just click on the play button in the player box of the sermon you want to hear. You can also download the audio file by clicking on the download button on the player. To read the sermon, click on the appropriate green button below to download the same. The text and audio files will only be available through this website for about four weeks from the date they are posted due to limited storage space. You should be able to download these files directly to your computer if you so desire. If you would like access to a sermon text or audio file that is no longer maintained on this website, please contact the administrator at to see if that file is still available elsewhere.
Note: The text files are in a Dropbox account and are on letter-size paper in case you want to print it off. You should be able to download the text files without having a Dropbox account. If a pop-up window opens wanting you to sign in or create an account in Dropbox, just close that window to proceed viewing the document. If you experience any problems with the text or audio files, contact