Rev. Tim H. Tolar
Pastor of St. Luke Lutheran Church
Member of the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America ("ELDoNA")
Secular Education: Associates in Mechanical Design & Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Theological Education: Masters of Divinity—Major in Pastoral Theology with elective studies in Exegetical & Systematic Theology
History: Grew up on a Farm and Ranch in Texas and spent 19 years in the Aerospace Industry before attending seminary and entering the Office of the Holy Ministry.

Why ELDoNA? Why Alaska?
The reason I am a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America (“ELDoNA”) is because I am an orthodox Lutheran pastor, and I believe it is the most unapologetically Lutheran, and thus, orthodox Christian, organization, in both its doctrine and practice, to currently be found in North America.
The reason I am in Alaska is because in 2004, I received a Divine Call from the Lord to be an Overseer/Shepherd of one of His flocks in Kenai, Alaska, and have served my Lord in that capacity since that time. That Divine Call currently places me in the Office of the Holy Ministry as pastor of Saint Luke Lutheran Church of the Unaltered Augsburg Confession.

Why an On-Call Volunteer Firefighter & EMT?

Lieutenant/Chaplain/Firefighter/EMT with Nikiski Fire Department—Nikiski AK
Because it is another opportunity to serve my fellow man while having some fun using the department’s emergency equipment. This is also a great outlet for the engineering geek that still resides in me. Besides, come on—look at the uniform I get to wear!
Why a Commercial Fisherman?
Captain of the Fishing Vessel “ICHTHUS”
Because it is an opportunity to meet and get to know a part of the Kenai Peninsula Community that I otherwise would not get a chance to interact with as closely or intimately as the vocation of commercial fisherman allows. It also allows me to share some wonderful experiences and scenery with my wife who serves as first-mate on the boat. And do not forget the fact that it allows me to add to my resume the entry: “commercial fisherman—like a number of the Lord’s apostles.”

Why an Emergency Response Technician?

Emergency Response Technician with Marathon Petroleum Corp—Nikiski AK
Because it meshes and enhances my Fire Department certifications and skills while helping to financially support the Holy Ministry of Saint Luke. It is another opportunity to serve my fellow man while having some fun using the refinery’s equipment. This is also a great opportunity to learn an essential industry that is the source of almost every aspect of modern life. The level of regulatory obligations under which they manage to operate an extremely complicated finely balanced facility refining a highly flammable product under high pressures and temperatures 24/7 in a rather severe geographic and climatic region of the Lord’s Creation is truly amazing.